I think. My racing year was one where I am not sure what I learned or accomplished. Not much in the way of PRs, but I battled through some injuries, had my first 100 mile week, had some good races and some bad races:
Trek up the Tower : )
State Farm 10 miler : )
Leprechaun Chase : |
Lincoln Half Marathon : |
Sandhills Half Marathon : |
Buffalo Run : )
Chicago Marathon : |
Swamp Stomp 8k : )
Nike Cross Nationals 5k : )
Living History Farms : )
Cooper YMCA Turkey Trot 5k : ) (New road PR for me)
Holiday Run : |

The holiday run is something that Ann Ringlein puts on every year (Ann, still waiting for your contribution!!). It is a super low key race. The kind I am becoming more and more a fan of. $10 to get in (money goes to Humane Society), get a pair of gloves, no results, typically horrible racing weather (never been warmer than 20 degrees, ran in 4 inches of snow once), presents along the course for each runner, cookies and hot chocolate at the finish line (boo yah). Just a really fun time. Plus, I get to race at Pioneers Park. One of my favorite places around to run, especially off road. So props to everyone who came out and supported this. While the big events are fun to do, you cannot beat grass roots.
Look for some new features starting in the new year. We hope to expand this site like crazy next in 2011!!

What other low-key events do you know about other than?
BTC/ORC Winter Series at Lake Manawa
No Frills Racing Series in LaPlatte
Ben, not much around here. Angry Cow Adventures does some stuff, but they are the only ones that I can think of. Obviously trying to change that.