That is the main message I pulled from an experience I had this past Friday. I was granted the opportunity to have a conversation with Bart Yasso, who is the Chief Running Officer (how kick ass of a job title is that?)of Runners World Magazine. To say that 30 minutes with him was not enough would be a colossal understatement. The stories this guy could tell. . . Man, I just eat that stuff up.
Our interview was done via Skype, sadly my Mac does not have recording capabilities. This I did not know until 10min in and steps have been taken to make sure we avoid this in the future. However I was able to get some audio of our conversation which can be downloaded below. Not sure what to call this new feature; Simple Conversation, SimpleTalk, Simple______? Read on for more below

Topics in our conversation were wide ranging:
-Mr. Yasso feels that the boom of women in running is the biggest, most surprising change that he has seen.
-He says that running for him now is as exciting as it was 30 years ago, even though his racing has taken a back seat to his role as running ambassador.
-$10 casio watch. That was the extent of technology not too long ago. But he loves where we are at now. The GPS, the food, the apparel, all of that stuff. I prefer it basic, but I am as much a geek as anyone else.
-Run easy on easy days. Recover. The more research we do and get, the more important this concept becomes.
See Bart Yasso’s most recent book, MY LIFE ON THE RUN, it is a great read.
That is really cool that you got to interview Bart. He seems like a real humble guy. Too bad I couldn’t hear what you were asking him.
Who is the next interview?
Thanks Ben, still working out the technical kinks on this thing. Not sure who the next one will be. I have some people in the works, but it is tough breaking into this area of the industry.