SimpleSole first here today. Ben Cohoon emailed me recently with an idea for an entry (good thing too, I am at a block right now) for the site. Anyways, nine days from now will be the second annual Leprechaun Chase 10k put on by Cohoon Race Management, or whatever he is calling himself now. You can read about the race here.
So here we go, the 2011 LC10k Prediction Contest. Here are the rules. Comment on this post with:
1) your prediction of who will win, the lads or the lasses
2) tie breaker will be the closest person to predicting the winning time. Over or under does not matter, closest margin wins.
Awards will be sent to a winning male and winning female. Not sure what yet, but it will be something cool or, um, something. No for some help in predicting.
On the men’s side you have some of the best runners in the state showing. The two highlights favorites are likely Tom Nichols and Eric Rasmussen. Tom is training for some fast times this Spring and Eric is coming off a half-marathon PR at the US Champs in Houston. Both should be game for the chase. Other favorites include Matt Pohren and Danny McClenahan.
On the women’s side, there is a whole host of ladies ready to rock. The list of top women’s contenders is much longer than the men’s. Though the nods here have to go to Kaci Lickteig and Christy Nielsen. Kaci has been doing some crazy workouts lately and you can never count out Christy in any race she enters. Mo Larsen should also mentioned. Rumors are that Laura Fergusson might be in, but I did not see her name in the entry list.
But really the point of the race is to put men against women and see who is victorious. Last year the women pulled it out, barely. The course last year was a go-kart track. Very turny and short hills, lots of surging, and tough going. The men’s winner said that had he known he was so close, he might have been able to get her. The women’s talent seems better, and so is the men’s. No offense Brian. The course looks to be more open, with better sight lines and passing opportunities. The women need to adjust to racing out front by themselves. While I have learned to believe in the fairer sex, really, I have to go with my boys.
MEN GET IT THIS YEAR TO EVEN THE SCORE. WINNING TIME 33:12. Please don’t prove me wrong.
The girls get a 5 1/2 minute head start. Girls are going to pull it out in another close one.
Girls 37:19
Girls (of course) 😉
Ras, Nichols, & Pohren do battle up front for the men to close the gap on Kaci who pulls away from the women’s lead pack at mile 4. Ras catches her at 5.5 and goes on to win. I’m picking the Men, time of 32:33. Kaci runs 38:04 to win the women’s division handlily.
Can I predict a tie? Ha… j/k, boys win: 32:55.
Women with a wining time of 38:50
The winner will be whoever is the most thirsty for a green beverage! Lasses all the way! 35:05
Lads win 32:19
Men win it with a comfortable margin. Too much talent for the ladies to handle
Don’t forget the men have to run/weave through all the women. That is going add a few seconds to their total time vs. being front runners.
Guys: 32:35
girls fo sho! 34:59
Fellas – 31:55
Ladies 37:20
Ladies! 33:29
Men are gonna take this one! 33:04
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I’m feelin it, girls got this one. 37:57
THE LADS!!!! BOOM!!! 32:07
The ladies take this at 34:30!
The girls are for sure going to win this year! 34:50
Come on ladies I know I won’t be winning that green beer so I need you to do it for me!
Lads! 33:33
Lads 33:22!! lets go fellas
Bros – 31:24