Met my boys at the climbing wall in the rec center. The usual suspects; Ryan Salem (11th in the half), Tom Nichols (4th in the full), and Eric Noel (3rd in the full). Got our warm-up in, stretching, and bathroom break arriving at the starting line 10 minutes before the gun. Shook some hands, gave some hugs, said some hi’s. There we go. I have never run the Lincoln full marathon before, only the half numerous times. Found myself clipping along with some guys and gals at about 6:20 per mile.
This was weird for me at this race. I am used to being in the top 15, but people were going by me like it was no big deal. I grew up, and currently live, 1.5 blocks from the marathon course. So, plenty of friends and family were out to cheer, along with lots of other folks. 13.1 miles of the first half went by quickly.
The second half heads out to Holmes Lake and gets very quiet, very quickly. We had a tailwind on the out section of the course. This was nice for efforts sake, but made things a bit warm. Started getting tired going through the lake, no big deal. Hit the turn around, right into a headwind. It was tough going back to Memorial Stadium. Put it in low gear, passed a few guys, got passed by one. Ended up in 2:52:52 and 22nd overall, I think. Not near my goals for my life, but for today I will take it.
Later this week, more photos, videos, and critiques of the race.
Still a beast even at 70% strength. I like how you can put 26.2 miles into a handful of statements. haha. Great job out there, wish I was there too!
So was this your first marathon or just your first Lincoln Marathon? You put down a great time especially if you’re battling some health problems. Looks like you’re already setting goals for the next. Love the finish photo. Pictures can say a lot.