Running with my brother is one of those things. It is a rare chance that we get to do this. I live in Lincoln, NE and he lives in Santa Monica, CA. But last week we had a family gathering in Montauk, NY. This has been our summer vacation spot for a number of years. I never know if we are going to get the chance to put some miles with seeing family, getting some work done (for whatever reason Wandzilak vacations involve labor). But this year we were able to get out early 4 or 5 times. Those were some of the best runs I have had in a long, long time.
It was not because I felt that great, which I did not. It was not because the weather was good, it was actually pretty humid. It was not the routes we took, lots of highway running with traffic. But it was just an hour or so where it was just the two of us. No phones, no laptops, no other people. Just he and I talking, or not. It is a rare treat to find training partners that you get along with, that get you, that work well. It is even rarer to have that be a family member. I am one lucky person, hopefully you are too.