Special thanks to Gary Dougherty for the photos (dlenz.com or Ndorfnz)

I had planned on doing a race report for this event, and I will give some points of commentary about the 2012 Leprechaun Chase 10k. But the main point of this post is to highlight this year’s prediction Contest. Results first and then read on if you want to.

Winners determined by picking lads or lasses and then closest time difference for the tie breaker. The following people picked the lasses to win and were thus DQ’d from the contest:
-Kelly -Angie -Karina -Heather -Derek -Elaine -Allen -Ben
Interestingly, no lasses picked a lad to win. But here are the people who picked the lads to win. Starting with “least close” contestants and ending with the 2012 winners:
-Travis +:58 -Schneider -:40 -Sean +:29 -Tom (actual winner) -:27 -Logan -:17 and the winners are
JIM + :15 and Clay -:15
They will receive an LC10k 2012 Prize package.

Comments on the race:
- As usual Ben Cohoon Productions comes through with a well-organized, unique race. Props should also be given to Jason Bakewell. Ben’s buddy and a recent full-time addition to the race committee. Very good news for these races.
- Lots of comments in the chase pack I was in the for the first two miles. We were running through pine trees, weaving in and out, hollerin’ “on your left/right to the lasses”. This is part of the schtick of the race, but it was a bit ridiculous. Not sure how to fix it though.
- Speaking of which, if I were a single dude (To Brenda my wife, I love you lots), this race would be in my top 5 to do. Just sayin’.
- The course itself is not certified, but it has a really interesting mix of off-road running/roads/bike trails/hilly and flat terrain.
- For being a “not to serious” race this 10k is beginning to attract some serious competitors in the area. Kind of a cool juxtaposition of competition and fun running
- Look for this race to continue to sell out in the future.
One of the coolest finish lines around
I think we have a solution to help you with passing. We are going to install a passer lane next year. The lane will be marked in cones from the rocket to the theater. This should give the lads some room to pass.
Thanks for running and doing the prediction contest.