Before recapping my last couple of weeks of training, let me preface this post by saying my recent hiatus has definitely not been due to forgetfulness or lack of motivation/wittiness – well, maybe some lost wittiness. It has in fact, been due to lack of performance and training. While I’m not going to hide my efforts and just post the good times, I didn’t think it was very constructive to post each week when I was putting in 3-4 days of running and barely cracking the 40 mile mark. I mean, you can only write, “8 miles and should have worn a diaper” in so many ways!
My weekly mileage is really not close to where I want it to be. Whether it has been marriage prep stuff, illness, traveling, or work, I just have either been too exhausted to get my runs in – especially the “junk” mileage — or have not recovered as quickly as I would hope. This was especially true after the Huntington Beach Half. Although I have run faster in training runs, it took me close to 2 weeks to fully recover and be able to do anything substantial. I think the cumulative fatigue got the best of me as I had two great workouts within a week of the race and it just overloaded my body. For two weeks after the race, I was forced to take a few days off and even got checked for some anemic issues, which came back free and clear. Now, while my mileage has been lower than I hoped, my workouts have been right on point – which I am thrilled about. Although the progress happens in little chunks, it’s exciting to see the hard work pay off.
Lastly, here is an article that was sent to me and I highly recommend you reading: When competitively running, no matter what level you are at, it is important to draw inspiration from every runner that is trying to give it their best. Times don’t define what type of person you are. In fact, when I ran my track workout this past Saturday, I met a woman who said a few months prior, she couldn’t even run 400 meters. She is slated to run the OC half marathon in May….that is what this sport is all about.
Weekly Recaps
Still felt terrible. This is the when I went to see the doctor as I would get to 4 or 5 miles and literally feel like it was the end of a marathon. And yes, on February 14th I went to spin class. Lindsay was teaching and we thought it was a very romantic way to spend the holiday. Shameless plug, check out Hustle & Flow if you are ever in Venice, CA – she’ll have you dry-heaving 25 minutes into the class…it’s great!
Feb 11-17
Feb 11: 11, drills
Feb 12: 4 felt terrible
Feb 13: 0
Feb 14: 45 Minute spin class
Feb 15: 0
Feb 16: 11.5
Feb 17: 7
Total: 33.5
Finally felt closer to my old self. Did my speed workout on the roads in my regular training shoes and felt smooth. Came back later in the week and had one of my best workouts ever. 3 x 5k with splits of 16:42, 16:43, 16:42. This was my last interval session of this particular cycle. I’ll starting over from the beginning with 10 x 1k and dropping my time down. The end of the week was capped with my bachelor party in Las Vegas. With 22 guys. No way I was going to fit running into the trip. I’m just hoping it doesn’t take me too long to recover from.
Feb 18-24
Feb. 18 : 11.5 miles 15 x 400, on the road in regular training shoes, felt good. 72-75 seconds
Feb. 19: 10, Recovery
Feb. 20: 13, 3 mile warm up, 3x5k on the track in my racing flats. Bit of a wind. Didn’t feel strong going into it but was very happy with the outcome. 400 meter jogging rest. Splits were: 16:42, 16:43, 16:42
Feb. 21: 6 AM 4 PM Didn’t time either of them as I was more focused on recovery.
Feb. 22: Vegas
Feb. 23: Vegas
Feb. 24: Vegas
Total: 44.5
Let’s just say 3 days in Vegas when you rarely party any more, can have some consequences in regards to your physical health. Didn’t really feel normal all week. Feb 26th was one of the worst runs of my life. I actually felt okay on Monday and tried to come back to do a tempo run. Let’s just say it unfortunately (and that is being EXTREMELY kind) went something like this: Apparently the $3.75 lobster I had on Saturday night didn’t digest properly. My long runs continued to struggle so I’m really hoping next week can bring some more normalcy to my schedule/life/butt.
Feb 25-March 3
Feb. 25: 10 miles. 5.5 warm up, Drills, 3 miles at 5:44, 5:51, 5:51, 1 cool down
Feb. 26: 5 miles. 3 warm up. 1 mile at 5:20 – couldn’t move after that
Feb. 27: 0
Feb. 28: 8 miles with brother in law. 7:30-7:45 pace
March 1: 10 miles. 1:05:04 – 6:30 Avg. Attempted progression: 7:00, 6:41, 6:33, 6:13, 6:16, 6:05, 5:55, 5:54 (2 mile cool down).
March 2: 14, 1 minute hard on the 6 minute marks. 1:30:56 (6:29 Avg) 1 minute hard on the 6’s. Went at 10 AM and it was about 80 degrees. Was trying to go 16-18 but wasn’t happening
March 3: 6 miles recovery, 40:11, 6:42 average
Total: 53
Wooo hooooo – finally back. Had a little cold in the middle of the week and was forced to take two days off, but overall had a great week. Because I missed my Thursday workout, I decided to put it into the middle of my long run on Saturday. It was definitely tough and brought back some marathon training memories. Basically I did 9 x 1k (3:12-3:15—which is 5:14 mile pace) with a 6.5 mile warm up and 6.5 mile cool down…both of which were extremely hilly. Very tired on Sunday, but was glad to see I have that type of fitness right now.
March 4-10
March 4: 11 miles – 6.5 warm up, drills, 5:44, 5:44, 5:50, 1 cool down
March 5: 11.5 – 4.5 warm up, 15 x 500 @ 1:34. On the roads with my regular training shoes. Felt tired from beginning but got through it. 1 cool down
March 6: 7 AM recovery run, 49:01 – 7 Min average
March 7: Sick
March 8: Sick
March 9: 20.5 Miles. 2:12:49 – 6:28 average. 6.5 Hilly warm up. 9 x 1k on the track with 400 meter jogging rest. Each K was 3:12-3:15 (target was 3:15). 6.5 Hilly cool down.
March 10: 9.5 miles. 1:06:15 – 6:58 average. Hilly recovery run
Total: 59.5