Back to It

Bad races (or less than satisfying races) are far more common than the ones you are happy with.  Not sure why.  May have something to do runners desire to always pursue something that is likely just out of our grasps.  A PR, a weight goal, a course record, one place higher in the rankings, acknowledgement from our peers.  Maybe this is a good thing, this constant pursuit.  Maybe not.  Depends on how one approaches it.  As a friend of mine said in response to a race report I had on the site I do my training log on:  (paraphrased) “I take as much satisfaction from the process of training, than the racing itself.”  Thanks again for that Gary.

One of my favorite lessons I have learned from running (and there are oh so many) is to have a short memory.  This is regarding the best races and workouts of your life, and the worst.  Embrace the successes and learn from the lowest moments.  Both are temporary and both mold you into the person you become over your lifetime.

Finally, there is this:

I continue to find people who can better explain why I am active (not “just” running).  This brief video on just plain, simple movement is a great look at the “why” element of our world.  Bottom line, get out and do something.

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2 Responses to Back to It

  1. Bryan says:

    You hit the nail on the head on this one. Great video too.

  2. TJ says:

    That’s a great video…the message is even greater!

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