An image

I wish I had a picture of it.  Though I doubt I could do it justice.  I wish I had the writing ability to describe it.  I wish someone could have been there to enjoy it with me.  But then, it would not have been what it was.

Last weekend I came off an eight day break from running by getting out early on a Sunday morning.  A Sunday run where it had snowed three or so powdery inches. Managing to find some fresh snow south of Essex on the Rock Island trail, my silent foot falls the only disturbance of this clean carpet.  Looking up into low hanging clouds, lit a dull orange from the street lights it appeared to be a fresh landscape prepared for me to do with it as I wished.  No distinction between where the paved trail ended and the grassy border began.  The trees outlined over the trail.  The end of the trail seeming to blend infinitely into the clouds.  A trail just for me.

Picking up a running buddy, we headed back the way I had already come.  My footprints the only mark of humanity to this point of the day.  I looked over at him and said, “If there were an image that could summarize me, that would be it.”  Like most people I suspect that I have slightly skewed self-image.  But seeing those footprints summarized where I am at this point in my life.  Willing to work hard, get up early, have others along to help my way but also eager to go it alone if need be.  Maybe true, maybe a bit grandiose.  But in that moment, I felt like I had been pegged by Mother Nature.

Running is made up of all kinds of little moments.  Most of them fade away like your breath on a cold morning.  But some of them stick with you.  Maybe they come back to you as you tell stories, or they simply remain somewhere in your brain. Stuck in a synapse connected to other running memories.  I feel lucky that I was able to have an encounter with myself that was like that.  I hope you can find something about you that you are proud of.

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