Let’s be honest. It is fun to look the part. To wear the costume. To act a bit different from your everyday persona. If we are being honest, it is much easier to talk the talk than walk the walk.
Think about it. With the right resources (namely money and a solid internet connection), you can look like a surfer in Lincoln, NE. Or an alpine skier or rock climber. With the right advice and sense of style, you can look like whatever you want. Rock those yoga pants, or broga pants. Keep that ski rack on your SUV in the middle July. Compression everything, why not? I might draw the line with the guy downtown the other night wearing a fleece jacket already. Too soon man, too soon. Heck, my trucker hat collection has grown 200% in the last two years, I now own two of them.
In running this could mean a number of things, but there is definitely a pattern right now. Brightly colored clothing, tops and bottoms. Same can be said for your shoes. Though the kicks might range from those ridiculous ninja shoes to max cushioned brand whatever. If you are a gal, odds are fair you have at least one capri style tight. Don’t worry so do I. If you are a dude, half tights might be in your wardrobe. Back to your shoes, bright colors rule the day (I have a pair of Brooks Launch 2s with damn lobsters on them). I suspect the list goes on and on depending on track, road, or trail. I haven’t been in the game that long. I wonder what some of the “wily veterans” think of all this?
My uniform? Depends on the day. Big workout? Backwards hat, compression shorts or my favorite “oooh-baby” style (split leg). Likely some fast shoes. Maybe a singlet if it is cool enough weather.
At it is own level, I have zero problem with virtually all of this. I trend towards a “do-you” philosophy. If you like the brand, style, and price who am I to give you a hard time? BUT, if you truly have a passion for something you need to love it, live it, and testify to it. To your family, friends, and strangers. If not to encourage them, then to somehow get them to understand why you do what you do. Be more than “about the about”.