Have you ever found yourself in a store, your car, on a website just looking? You know you have something to find. You probably get distracted along the way. Sometimes you are not even sure what you set out to get. But it is out there, and for the really important things if you are lucky, you will find it. Now lord knows I would not be the first person to have a little aimlessness in their life. Heck, not even the first time in my own life. Working with high school students I see it all the time. They have a slightly different path they are looking at. Maybe this is the first time they are faced with true blue, life-changing indecisiveness. Regardless, I have been slightly adrift.
In running, there is always something else. A new workout to get ready for, a race to think about, fresh styles of clothing to try on, fancy technology to consider. But what happens to a runner when they can’t find that motivation? You are still running. You aren’t hurt. You still enjoy it. But something is missing and the cruddy thing is that life can make it incredibly hard to figure out what “it” is. So what do you do? Like most things in life you can keep going or stop trying. Kind of like a rough patch in running.
That is exactly what I have been doing since Boston Marathon this past April. Going through the steps, feeling pretty cruddy physically and mentally. Just kind of waiting for something to happen. Maybe the routine of getting back to school will kick me into gear. Maybe just getting some consistent days in. Maybe just finding the energy to get back at serious training. Maybe writing this will motivate me to write more. Maybe just keep going at it with the knowledge that you will find it eventually.