Where this relay thing all started
The relay that started it all was the Hood to Coast Relay in Oregon. I don’t know too much about the race itself (history, etc) but do know that it is the race that all other relays are measured by. more »
The relay that started it all was the Hood to Coast Relay in Oregon. I don’t know too much about the race itself (history, etc) but do know that it is the race that all other relays are measured by. more »
Beer is Good. To paraphrase Mr. Billy Currington. Runners like to brag about different conditions that they have run in. I will do a post about this at some other point in time. But I was watching Meet the Press more »
Not sure if I am out of the “young buck” category just yet, at least I don’t feel like it. Regardless I can’t argue the fact that I did not graduate college last year. So today’s thoughts are on a more »
There are many people who have had far more numerous experiences than I have in their running lives. But I would like to think that in my 15 years of running, I have squeezed a number of unusual, and fulfilling, more »
I try not take too many things for granted in distance running. I have been incredibly fortunate in my time as a runner. But I know there are parts of my running life where things are really good for me more »
This might be my favorite event in Lincoln. Many people would pick the Marathon or Half-Marathon, maybe one of the mud runs in the area, heck I love the Buffalo Run (more on that in September). But I can go more »