But in a more metaphorical sense, runners are stripped down almost more than any other sport. For the majority of our race courses and practices and events, there is no barrier between us and non-racers. There is very little in the way of uniform to disguise our emotions, other than a pair of sunglasses on occasion. We are one of the few sports literally anyone can participate in, no equipment required if you so choose. Think about it, most sports you sit in the stands, you watch, you are not part of the experience. Even in swimming, maybe the most stripped down of all sports, athletes are in the water. Heaven forbid a fan try to get close to a golfer.
On the same front, running is all about support. I have never had someone boo me in running and tell me to slow down, regardless of the jersey I am wearing. I have run races where there were 26 miles of people cheering me on for no other reason than that they want to cheer someone on because that person is doing something that seems ridiculous, or heroic, or inspirational, or silly, or down right pointless. That is what makes running so humbling.