Road to 2016, #3

Well, based on my post last week, I didn’t exactly get to where I wanted to mileage-wise. One rule I learned about marathon training long ago was that things don’t always go as planned and I just need to roll with it.

The week started out great with my 15 x 300 meter effort on the roads in my regular Brooks training shoes. I was cruising in 52-54 seconds and actually felt quick for the first time in awhile.

I was trying to get 1-2 double days in there and got none in. Partially because it rained Thursday-Saturday…which to my high school aged self living in Nebraska would have been no big deal. To my current 30 year old, working full time self, it means two tread mill runs including one which was a third of what it was supposed to be (see the 24th).  I was supposed to do 3 x 4k and b/c of the weather, it actually was raining hard that morning, I went to the gym at our apartment. I did one rep at 5:20 pace and felt terrible. A combination of running on a treadmill and our management company keeping our gym at approximately 85 degrees and I was about to pass out.  Factor in my 4:30 AM wakeup call and my motivation was not at an all time high.

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Favorite thing, #14

A year ago I started a list of my favorite things about running.  These are things, to quote the ubiquitous 90s rapper Skee-lo, that make you sit back and say, “ahhh yes, ain’t that fresh?”.  It could be a piece of gear or an experience or whatever tickles my fancy.

So far the list has included my Brooks Run Lite Jacket, Frost Beards, WindBriefs, Watermelon, Sweaty Sweat, Not Log Bragging, and Snickers among other things.

This month’s OUTSIDE MAGAZINE released their “This Is Good List”.  Which always inspires me and get me psyched up for some reason.  I hope to continue my list this year.  If you have any submissions, email me with a two sentence description and why it is awesome. Also, if you have a more clever title than “Favorite Thing” let me know as well.


imagesToday’s entry:  The Foam Roller.  So simple.  So painful.

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Road to 2016, #2

Although my mileage is not where I would like it to be, I was happy with this week’s efforts as I put in a few hard, solid workouts.  Individually they might not be that impressive, but with heavy load the previous week, I was glad my body is starting to respond a bit.  Coming from a very low mileage background growing up, I’ve learned it takes my legs a few weeks to get to the point where 80-85 weekly miles doesn’t completely disintegrate my legs. I only get the chance to run a tempo run once a month, so I was a bit disappointed as I didn’t knock it out of the park. It was a bit windy that day, but the fact is that 5:20 pace still feels way too fast for me to be capable to run it for 13.1 miles.


Because of the cumulative fatigue, I took a day off in the middle of the week – which I didn’t even commit to doing, so I didn’t reap all of the benefits. When I wake up at 4:30 am, and am not as motivated as I should be, I sit on the couch and stare at the clock until a certain time. For instance, if it is 4:36, I will give myself until 4:40 before starting my stretches/putting on my running clothes. I intently stare at the clock to make the minutes feel longer – which unbelievably has the opposite effect as it did in high school. Anyways, I was up early, put on all of my running gear, stretched, but just knew something was off. Had the inner battle in my head deciding if taking a day off is better for my running than to fight through it…and 20 minutes later I decided to head back to bed.  My legs felt better on Friday’s progression run, so looks like I made the right decision.

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2016 Trials

Part of the point of this site is to provide insight into parts of running some people may never get exposed to.  In this case, my brother Scott, has a goal of qualifying for the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials.  He is hoping to post his workouts and thoughts over the next few years to share this experience with you all.


While I would like to keep each one as a new post, I will also log all of them into one, long “training diary” under the ENDURANCE tab above, ROAD TO 2016.  If you have any questions, let me know and I can interpret.  Hope you enjoy and learn something.

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Low Key, All Right

Today’s race-report will be so shoe smashingly amazing that it will cause you to day dream about winning Boston during your daily runs or make you break out in a hot sweat during your single-digit degree morning run.  I almost reluctant to unleash this bit of non-fiction writing upon the world as I know the havoc that it could possibly cause.  The damage it could cause should be the plot of a video game where special forces troops try to stop me from doing it.  Now that the bar is set low enough, let’s talk about a race that started in a town with a population smaller than the cross country team I coach.

2013 Udder Buster Finish Line.  There was literally no one there when I finished
2013 Udder Buster Finish Line. There was literally no one there when I finished. (I also have no idea what happened to the legs of the guy in red)

Last weekend found me at the starting line of the first of a series races put on by Jim Craig and his Angry Cow Adventures crew. These guys put on some awesome, low-key/high amenity events in the area that highlight some of the local state parks and back roads. I have partaken in some of the biggest races in the country (Boston and Chicago Marathons, Bolder Boulder, other popular name droppable races).  Those are great, well-organized, high competitive events that allow you to run FAST.  But the Udder Buster 5k/10k/Half-Marathon in Panama, NE is the opposite of that.  The starting line was literally a tar patch in the middle of main street.  The aid station was a box of water bottles on the side of the road.  I saw three volunteers at road crossings and there were two bike escorts.  IT. WAS. SWEET.  It is also not for everyone.  But sometimes, and especially in the middle of these winter months, it is really good for running soul to let go a bit and just get out and race.  Small town events are usually well-organized, have some history, and are in the true spirit of running.  Which to me is involves an element of competition with camaraderie with fun.  Now, on to the report.


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Road to 2016, #1


January 14, 2013.  Just a few days into the new year.  Hopefully your resolutions are still that, and not just memories at this point.   

Like many of you, the holiday season is a great time to reflect on the year that was, and just as important look at the future to see how your experiences (or lack thereof) can make you a better father, worker, husband, wife, human, or as it relates to this blog – runner.  Whether you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle, lost a bet, or getting bribed by some coworkers, this sport takes consistent dedication to be great. Pending on the seriousness of your running goals, this dedication will vary – but to be the best you can be and maximize your potential, it is essential to constantly assess your progress and make changes as needed.  Before that, a realistic, yet difficult goal should be established. One that you or your running group creates. One that gives you that extra motivation to run get up at 4:30 am….after working for 12 hours the day before….when it is 35 degrees outside (I live in CA – that’s cold out here!). 

Now that I have been grinding away for a few years and trying to get my body where it needs to be to compete at a very high level the question of my running future often gets asked, whether it be that voice inside of my head or from one of the many people in my support system: When is my next race? What am I training for?

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