So I have been sitting on this for the last seven days. Digesting the experience, waiting to see if some inspiration hit me since finishing my first “ultra”marathon. You know, some words of wisdom to pass along to those of you who take time out of your day to actually read this thing. To be honest, I’ve got nothing.
Nothing profound that is. Plenty to say. Let me start with this: I had a great time and I got second. No lies, I would have loved to have won. But the training was not around this fall. A couple of really good long runs was about all I had time for. Add in some goofy weather last Saturday and that combined for a really good 23 or so miles. Before I tried to chase eventual winner Tim Langdon down, I decided it was just not worth killing myself to attempt to run down a really talented runner who was having a solid day. So, here I sit a week later with legs that feel fine and a 5k waiting for me tomorrow. But some comments on this first time event.
First off, my apologies about the length of this entry. Not only am I really excited to share my story of the race that was the 2012 Chicago marathon, but I learned more in this marathon build up than probably all of my other years of running combined.
Secondly, I know it may seem ridiculous when saying I’m not happy with some of the efforts as I do understand that in the grand scheme of running these times are a lot better than many people will run. However, keep in mind that one of the best things about this sport is the ability for each person to have their own expectations and bench marks for where they think their hard work and talent should put them. When I hear of an elite runner “bomb” a race and run 2:19, it is frustrating to me – but in his (or her) world, they did not live up to their potential. I am a firm believer that time does not tell the whole story. There were many races in high school which I may have not run a PR, but I ran to the best of my ability and competed harder than I ever had. Even if my time didn’t reflect that, I took satisfaction in knowing the type of race I actually had. The end result of this marathon showed me that I was doing the right things throughout the segment, but no matter how impossible I viewed some of my workouts – it was EXTREMELY frustrating that I only finished 2-3 of my hard workouts.
“You are as good as your best day, even if you haven’t had it yet.” This quote is how many of the African runners think as it relates to running. A combination of human nature, the sport of running, and the instant gratification attitude many of us have become accustomed to, has resulted in each of us constantly thinking we are as good as our last workout. When you factor in weather, nutrition, running on tired legs, sleep, and the other “unknowns” in regards to why you feel a certain way on a given day, it is important to remember this quote.
With a little more than a week to reflect on the race, focus on walking down stairs like a normal 29 year old, and think about what I could have done better, I’m finally getting to recap what was arguably the best race of my life. Definitely in my post collegiate days and other than 1-2 races in high school, my proudest accomplishment in my running life yet. Oddly enough I found myself within 45 minutes of crossing the finish line, thinking to myself, “What’s next?” Fortunately Lindsay generally knows what I’m thinking and has reiterated many times that I need to enjoy this.
My last PR in the marathon was 3 LONG years ago when I ran 2:39 in Long Beach. I won’t bore you with the disasters that I called races since then, but feel free to view my profile at: to see my efforts. Most of my training was based on the Hanson Brooks Distance Project and my programs were put together in collaboration with Brian. While I didn’t have a major breakthrough other than my PR and fell apart in a bad way in every other race, it was comforting to hear that my current coach, Nate Jenkins, was impressed by the overall work.
Scott (blue cap) in a much motivated pack on his way to a 5 minute PR in the marathon. Credit: Lindsay Buckley
Running is one of the elemental shared experiences of the world. You can try and describe a race of any distance to a non-runner and they might kind of, sort of, maybe vaguely, possibly have an idea of what you are talking about (but probably not).
But you sit one half marathoner down with another, well that right there is an hour conversation. You come across people in running all the time. Some remain in your life, some pass through, some pass on. For those that remain, you share in this experience all the more. The miles, the sweat, the bugs in the eye, the chafing is all part of it. When they have trouble you feel the pain.
Tom Nichols (former roommate, current teammate, lifelong friend) put in some serious training for Twin Cities Marathon this year. Hip pain stopped him at mile 21. As he texted me, “damn marathon”. Word brother.
Quinn Lewandowski (volunteer coach, current teammate, developing friend) rolled his ankle on MoPac last week. One more in a long string of weird injuries for him. His optimism is inspiring. Good health brother.
But there have been many stories that I have been meaning to catch up on. Two came from today, two from the fall cross country season. All come from amazing racing that I have had the privilege of sharing this experience with. Enjoy. Continue reading →
No seriously, I love it. For the usual reasons like changing leaves, cooler temps and all that. But also the more subtle things: sleeping with the windows open, apple doughnuts, pumpkin beer, drier air, finishing off my vegetable garden, not having to mow the lawn as much, wearing my flannel, and firepit and s’mores. To name just a few.
But more relevantly (new word?) I love what fall brings to running.
For some reason, when I am racing, I typically find myself in a no man’s land. For those that don’t know, this is when you are a bit back from the person in front of you and and a bit ahead of the person behind you. Generally speaking I am pretty cool with this. I like racing by myself. Seeing what I can do on my terms on that day.
I have rarely planned to race a race with somebody else. Too many things can go wrong for it to work out well. The primary one being you both have to have a good race in order to race together. I don’t know about you, but I rarely race well when I plan to race well.
On occasion though I have person, or maybe more, to race with. Typically at the local road race this is someone of similar ability who I have competed with before. Sometimes a youngster (I feel I can say that now, since post college runners are 10 years younger than me) pops into my pace range. Other times a training partner will step down and run with me as a workout or to pace me. I am lucky in the sense that virtually every guy I train with is faster than me. But usually it is the previous situation where I end up competing with a local yokel.
Quinn to my right. State legend Craig Christians in my slipstream
On very rare occasions though, you get to race with (and against), a good friend. Where you get to push yourself and them. There is no other thought other than trying to push them, help them run faster, and hopefully try and run faster yourself. Today was one of those days.
I rediscovered this over the past few weeks as a post-run treat. My cross country has partaken in their first two weeks of practice at least three times. I just smashed a huge portion this morning after my long run. Refreshing, hydrating, delicious. Watermelon.