Sometimes we be weird

I have always been of the opinion that distance running/runners have a requirement that somewhere embedded in their DNA or brains or slow-twitch muscles is some sort of off kilter mentality.  I mean, let’s face it to do what we do, you have to have something a LITTLE bit wrong with you.  Enter the hot dog suit:

Mo Hamdan far from the state track meet running 52 second 400

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First timer

The following email came from a former student teacher of mine.  She just ran her first ever half-marathon.  My own Lincoln Marathon experience was character building, at best.  But hearing stories like this remind me what it is like to “experience” the race. Thanks Angela.  Enjoy:


Well, you might not really care about all of these details, but I can’t stop talking about the half-marathon and how much fun I had this last weekend.  The thing I took away from all of this training and race is this: your body can do amazing things if you make your mind believe it.  You guys should know I wasn’t a runner before September, and I’m still not competitive, but the Lincoln half was so fun and a must-try for anyone who likes to run!  Sorry for the extra long e-mail!!!

Day before: I was feeling pretty anxious about the weather and humidity.  Humidity is my kryptonite and really affects how far/fast I am able to run.  Picking up my packet was insane, and I felt like this was all finally real.
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2012 All-Comers Meets

Lincoln All Comers Track Meets

Tuesday, June 5th at Lincoln North Star High School Track

Tuesday, June 12th at Lincoln Southwest High School Track

Cost is $2 per event

Runners of all ages and abilities (seriously, the more people there are the better) are welcome. Use it for youth track practice, a change/addition to your training, a low-key way to get on the track, just to run something different, PREP FOR LINCOLN MILE CORNHUSKER STATE GAMES, OTHER EVENTS for the summer

Events (in order)
6:00 pm-Full Mile (1500 if qualifying times are needed)
6:15pm – 400m
6:25pm- Predict a Mile
6:40pm- 200
6:50pm – 800
7:10pm- 3000m, if you choose to go 5000 that is cool also

7:30pm  -Donut Challenge!!!! (6/5 only)



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