Favorite Thing #7

Properly Fitting Running Shorts

You wouldn't believe what shows up when you do a search for "properly fitting running shorts"

A rare find indeed, especially for the fellas.  You know what I am talking about.  The right color scheme, the appropriate split length, not too tight around the thighs (or the giblets), you can casually wear them as they are with no baggy shorts over, they make you feel fast.  They feel just right,

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Prediction Results

Special thanks to Gary Dougherty for the photos (dlenz.com or Ndorfnz)

Backdrop of the 1st half mile of the course

I had planned on doing a race report for this event, and I will give some points of commentary about the 2012 Leprechaun Chase 10k.  But the main point of this post is to highlight this year’s prediction Contest.  Results first and then read on if you want to.

Sorry Tom, but you did win the bros some brews

Winners determined by picking lads or lasses and then closest time difference for the tie breaker.  The following people picked the lasses to win and were thus DQ’d from the contest:

-Kelly      -Angie       -Karina      -Heather      -Derek      -Elaine      -Allen       -Ben

Interestingly, no lasses picked a lad to win.  But here are the people who picked the lads to win.  Starting with “least close” contestants and ending with the 2012 winners:

-Travis +:58         -Schneider  -:40      -Sean +:29       -Tom (actual winner) -:27    -Logan -:17    and the winners are

JIM + :15  and Clay -:15

They will receive an LC10k 2012 Prize package.

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We started the Spring track season at North Star this past week.  Always fun to see kids getting out, being active, trying something new, and pushing themselves.  Invariably we have a bunch of rookies who show up in volleyball shoes, or soccer shoes, or basketball shoes, or something that is not a running shoe.  Within my extended family and even friends, the question of what to wear on our feet comes up.  The conversation always come around to something along the lines of, “What do I think about running barefoot or the Vibram Five Fingers?”

You know what I am talking about.  Those shoes (or whatever they are) that look like gloves for your feet.  I have seen them on adults, teens, and even some toddlers.  The popularity of this type footwear has prompted an explosion in the sales of so called “minimalist” or “zero-drop” shoes.  Every brand has a shoe that they deem to be the next best thing in barefootesque running.  In fact, there are a number of new brands out there that specialize in shoes like this (great article on the Newton brand in this month’s Runners World).  If we weren’t being distracted by the debate on contraception, or the Federal budget, or immigration policy, or moon bases I have no doubt that this is the debate that would be gripping the nation.  Maybe not.

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Leprechaun Chase 10k Prediction Contest

Time for our second annual prediction contest for the LC10k.  Started this last year to lukewarm turnout.  Hopefully we can get some more response here for the 2012 edition.

Here is the premise.  Click the comment link below and make your prediction (good idea for a prediction contest, eh?)  Here is what you need to include:

  • Who you think is going to win, the lads or the lasses.
  • For the tiebreaker, guess the winning time.  The person who is closest (least difference, going over does not matter) will win.
  • There will be one male winner and one female winner.  Winners will receive some sort of prize pack courtesy of the LC10k Brain Trust

Read on for more analysis. Continue reading

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Sense of humor


One of my biggest fears in running is taking myself too seriously.  You know what I mean.  Getting so involved in training/the running culture/message boards/splits/other people’s performances/what I am wearing/do I have the latest technology/blah blah blah.  While I do care deeply about my performances and seeing what I can get out of myself, it is not (and cannot) be to the exclusion of other parts of my life or simply being miserable because of running.  Running should be something that cleanses you.  Challenges you also, but it is a small part of the bigger picture (see my post from two weeks ago).  Point is, have some fun.  Nothing makes a run, tough or otherwise, go by faster than some good laughs.  So to help get you through these last few weeks of winter, here are some humorous miscellani.  Really, any time I can poke a little fun at cyclists I take advantage of it.



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Favorite thing #6

Tasty foods you can eat while being active.  I have two in mind. One is cheap. The other is cheapish.  One you should not have in the middle of the workout. The other will get you through that 5th set of two-mile repeats.  Both are delicious.  So the next time your training partner, hiking buddy, cycling homey, competitor pulls out a gel pak, PowerBar, whatever the latest is in endurance energy supplements.  Hit ’em with my favorite snack of all time and they will look at you with a mouthful of sh***y gel that needs to be washed down and be like, “Dude, that looks really good”:

Coming in a close second is my new latest thing.  Honey Stinger Waffles.  They are inspired by European athletes.  Don’t hold that against them.  Go to your local running store and buy one, or ten like I am going to later this week.

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