Runners Are Crazy
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Not sure if I am out of the “young buck” category just yet, at least I don’t feel like it. Regardless I can’t argue the fact that I did not graduate college last year. So today’s thoughts are on a relatively new racing team here in Lincoln. Whenever I get the chance I love promoting the Lincoln Running Company. Tonight I highlight their store sponsored team and get more into the importance of groups like this.
But first, I have been lazy with the site lately. I KNEW this would happen at some point in time. That is fine though. Been fighting an injury for the most part, so that has had me bummin’. But really I have been busy traveling (went to Maui and hiked Long’s Peak in Colorado), getting ready for another school year, and most importantly hanging with my son before he starts day care (didn’t think it traumatize me that much, but it freaking did). Anyways on to the team Lincoln Running Co.
Provocative Images

There are many people who have had far more numerous experiences than I have in their running lives. But I would like to think that in my 15 years of running, I have squeezed a number of unusual, and fulfilling, things in.
- Running naked through a forest in Colorado is near the top
- Heartbreak Hill in Boston
- Coaching athletes to meet their own goals
- Winning a number of races of varying distances (mile up to 20 mile trail runs)
These are just to name a few. But last Friday I had a number of firsts and these all occurred while I ran in a hotdog suit.

I try not take too many things for granted in distance running. I have been incredibly fortunate in my time as a runner. But I know there are parts of my running life where things are really good for me and I sometimes don’t pause to appreciate that. On the other hand there are things that I never, ever forget to count my blessings for.
Lincoln Freaking Mile

This might be my favorite event in Lincoln. Many people would pick the Marathon or Half-Marathon, maybe one of the mud runs in the area, heck I love the Buffalo Run (more on that in September). But I can go anywhere in the country and find a marathon or other such event
But a road mile? Ooh, that is a rare treat. I am well past my best “mileing” days. Through the course of time and experience, I have become a stronger, tougher, better runner. But you can never replace speed. That being said, I get geeked up every year for this event. I continue to push towards getting back to the day where I ran 4:37 on this course. But July 10 was not to be that day.