Nothing Profound to Say About Running

Not the way to start a website, but it is a true statement.  There are people out there who are far better at providing a narrative of this wonderful activity.  The likes of George Sheehan, John Parker Jr., Bart Yasso, Katherine Switzer, etc are all superior story tellers.  As well as people who have been able to capture the spirit of running in a way that might make sense even to none runners.  But I do bring something to the table that these, and many, many other “apostles” share.  That is a passion for a sport that is misunderstood by people who don’t do it and heartily defended by those that do.

One of the goals, maybe THE goal, of this site is to get people excited about running.  I hope to do that through a variety of means.  My own thoughts about modern issues of running, fun things that I find or that people share with me about running, share my hobby of photography blended with running (I hope that a majority of the posted photos are taken by me), interviews of people that I have met through the internet.

So thank you for reading, commenting, taking time to see what this is all about.  I hope I can maintain this  site and I hope this becomes part of your weekly ritual in running.


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